Full Membership $425.00
(Jan. 2nd to April. 1st, 2024)

Add a friend $625.00
(Two full memberships)

Junior $299.00
(18 yrs and younger)

Membership Plus $750.00
(includes 3 video analysis sessions & 2 hours of simulator time)

60 minutes $16.00
30 minutes $11.00

Reservations Recommended

Mon. to Fri. 10am to 9pm
Sat. & Sun. 9am to 9pm

Mon. to Fri. 10am to 10pm
Sat. & Sun. 9am to 10pm

Please note, evening reservations for the simulator and range will be taken up to 4pm daily

Bookings can be made up to 7 days in advance

Please add HST to all pricing listed above